With Covid everything took a while to finish and we couldn't decide on how to release the songs... So, Santa comes early this year, we're gonna give them away! That's right, you can download the songs on our site for free!
Please give the money you save here to a bar with a stage in your neighbourhood! That way, when it's all over, we still have venues left for bands like us to play!
Support your local venues!
These songs are the first songs written after Toine Sinner joined the band. The music for both songs is written by the whole band, lyrics by Ypke. Recorded and mixed by Toine. Mastering done by Mendel bij de Leij. Artwork by Ypke.

The debut album got a worldwide digital release in august 2017. A kick ass sleaze record with 10 awesome rocking songs. It's good to read that others think so too! Check out some of the great reviews below.
Hardrock 80:
The sound is pretty dirty and sounds vintage a bit like The Hellacopters. The 10 burners that this Style Over Substance contains are rather homogeneous in terms of quality. There are no weak songs and everything is interpreted with great conviction and above all with passion. We will particularly remember the single "Raise The Horns" which is particularly effective and dangerously rock’n’roll with its refrain like a passionate or even fanatical hymn to the heavy Sleaze. I'll do the devil's sign by banging around like a sick man. "In For The Lust" is more punk in spirit and will do you more good than a kick in the ass. The first song "Welcome To Rock N’ Roll" will make you think very strongly of the Hellacopters. Finally the heavy “When The Drugs Kicks In” will undoubtedly make you stamp your feet.
Check out the complete review here (in French):
Skulls N Bones:
What’s cool about Ginger Likes? Well, much like the almighty and exalted Steel Panther, these guys put the FU in FUCKING FUN, which is something that many bands seem to have forgotten about these days. They’re just having a good time, and that’s why Ginger Likes recall the golden days of bands like Poison, Ratt, Cinderella, Alice Cooper and even Guns ‘N Roses.
Check out the complete review here:
Steel Panther’s on their FB page:
Back with another edition of #MetalMonday!! This week, we're bringin' you Ginger likes! Our friends at SkullsNBones.com said it best... "These guys put the FU in FUCKING FUN!" Kickin' ass with an old school sound,
Check it out here:
Zware Metalen:
Ginger Likes… shows on the debut album that we can build a great party up in the north. When the houses here aren’t shaken by an earthquake they will be by Style Over Substance. More than half an hour of rock 'n' roll that leaves a taste for more. Check out the complete review here (in dutch):
Rock Files Promo:
Ginger Likes from the Netherlands make Old fashioned, high energy sleazerock like in the good old days of Kiss and Motley Crue! The album is full of nice catchy melody’s and dito choruses. This music is meant to be played live!!!
Check out the complete review here: